This is a review of both the Torque OBD2 Bluetooth Device that you plug in to your car and the diagnostic tool application that you download to sync with this little device.
Wait, what? I can plug this little bluetooth device in to my OBD2 connector in my car and then view all of my cars diagnostics using an application? yes, yes you can.
So here is the gist of it:
- CLEAR DASH LIGHTS – If your light pops up on your dash, you can sort it with this little device and your smart phone, magic!
- EASY INSTALL – If your car was made in the last 20 years it should be compatible, we have included an obd2 search above to see if your car has one
- EASY APP SETUP – Just download this application using your android phone or tablet and you’ll be on your way to seeing your car or vehicles details
- SIMPLE TO CONNECT – Get the app, plug the adapter in to your OBD2 connector, put the code in to the app and you’ll be flying
- FREE 12 MONTH WARRANTY – You get a 1 year warranty on this, if you use it more than twice, you would easily have saved money compared to going to your local garage.
Thats basically it, it’s an amazing little piece of kit and if you already own a smart phone or tablet, which i’m guessing you will, just buy the adapter. You’ll get a great colour info read out compared to some of the other diagnostic tools.
It doesn’t clear all the codes like the Topdon Diagnostic Tool does but it does enough and shows you vital car information that you may also want to check out.
Do You Race Cars or Other Vehicles
You can see real time data on your smart phone and record it, unlike other diagnostic tools, which means that as you are doing a lap, you can record this data and look at it later. You get important stats on the screen such as your rpm , air fuel ratio , shift light etc.
Pros & Cons
- You only need to buy the bluetooth adapter and fit it to your obd2 connector
- It’s a lot cheaper than some of the other alternatives
- You can use your smart phone and tablet with it to read error codes and delete them, which means you can use tech you already own
- Doesn’t read or delete all error codes, only engine faults
- You have to download the application on your phone to use this and enable bluetooth, you get the free app with the purchase but there is also a pro version which you have to pay more for
Conclusion & where to buy
It’s just a really simple gadget that does exactly what it offers and no more. Really insightful information is shown on your phone and if you have any errors you can delete these as well! It’s a great little product and easier to use than most of the other car diagnostic tools because you just have to learn the user interface on your phone, rather than a whole brand new menu system built in to a separate diagnostic tool, like the others we have reviewed.